Friday, March 07, 2014

Happy news this week
I have been chosen to join the 'Delicious Doodles'
design team. which I am over happy about, and very pleased
to be on.
This week the challenge is
'Anything but a card'
If you wish to enter. check it out here
 I picked to do a tag.
I picked the image 'Gothicka'
you can find her here.
I coloured her with copic pens.
found some backing paper which I printed from  cd,
with a few other bits for embellishments.
I covered tag with my backing paper and inked around edges,
 and just stamped a few bits on it, and embossed them
 with gold.
Then I arranged it all, made a few flowers and found
a few in my stash as well. added a few leaves,pins
 also added a few charms a bit of garden string and ribbon,


  1. Absolutely STUNnnig Pam. Gothika really has come to life here Congrats on getting onto the team xxx

  2. What a stunning tag Pamela and an amazing project to start with on the Delicious Doodles DT. Wishing you a very happy time with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  3. Pamela this is beautiful. I am awed by its beauty.
    susan s

  4. Congratulations Pamela! Love your first DD DT creation!
    why not link it up over at Left of Center - we are having a fabulous 1st Anniversary challenge event, inspiration on the blog every day and 11 sponsors for the challenge! you can enter 5 times, would love to see you there! Mo xxx
